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New peer review article by Anne Goldmann has been published

Journal article “AI Policy in Germany”

A new peer review article was published in the dms Special Issue on “Policy Change and Stability” with the title:“Technological Change Meets Policy Field Change: AI Policy as a Differentiation […]

7. November 2022

A new peer review article was published in the dms Special Issue on “Policy Change and Stability” with the title:“Technological Change Meets Policy Field Change: AI Policy as a Differentiation of Digital Policy“.

Anne Goldmann: “This article on the development of German AI policy to date was written on the basis of our AI governance project at the time. The article argues that the field of digital policy in particular is a worthwhile case for closer examination, as the increasing speed of technological change also affects the policy field and gives rise to new actors and structures here. For the 19th legislative period, the central actors at federal and Länder level are identified, as well as their AI topics. “

Link: https://www.budrich-journals.de/index.php/dms/article/view/41135