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Panel for the Journalists' Day NRW on 19.11. with participation of Dr. Christopher Bieber

“Quakes in the system: the reform of public service broadcasting”

Better control and more transparency: After the revelations at rbb, public broadcasting has come under massive criticism. Calls for a reform of the control structure are getting louder and louder. […]

21. November 2022

Better control and more transparency: After the revelations at rbb, public broadcasting has come under massive criticism. Calls for a reform of the control structure are getting louder and louder. What are the concrete implications of the Schlesinger case for the system as a whole – and for the people who work there? Are the Broadcasting Council and the Administrative Council still up to date as control bodies? Are they even capable of controlling and monitoring the broadcasters? What needs to change and how can the system of public broadcasting be reformed?

On November 19, 2022, a panel for the Journalist Day NRW took place at the Sparkassenakademie in Dortmund. Dr. Christoph Bieber also took part in the panel.

Further information on the event can be found here: https://www.journalistentag.de/events/oeffentlich-rechtlicher-rundfunk