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  3. Emerging technology in the media: the case of generative AI


Emerging technology in the media: the case of generative AI

AG Dr. Gaustschi

The arrival of an emerging technology heralds some level of disruption and transition. The acceptance of an emerging ICT requires negotiation and debate. The media is one of the places where these debates and negotiations take place (Fraser, 1990; Habermas, 1991, 2004). This workgroup, drawing on the linguistic and cultural diversity of its members, will analyze media coverage of generative AI in three different countries and three different languages: in Italian in Italy, In French in Switzerland and in English in the United States. We will use qualitative and quantitative methods to conduct our analyses.

Outputs include joint publications in mainstream media and academic journals; work towards a research grant proposal; incorporating results in courses taught by workgroup members with a focus on media literacy.

The working group will come together on 3 occasions at CAIS:

March 4-6, June 10-12 and September 4-6, 2024.

Main Research Topics

  • Media influence
  • Sentiment analysis
  • Socio-technical imaginaries
  • Innovation
  • Policy
  • Valuation


Assoc. Prof. Heidi Gautschi
Haute école pédagogique Vaud, Switzerland

Senior Lecturer Gianluigi Viscusi
Linköping University, Sweden


Prof. Ricardo Bonazzi

University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Western Switzerland (HES-SO)


Editorial Director Michelle Manafy

Digital Content Next, New York, NY


Lecturer Chiara Rubessi

ISIA Design Florence