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Diachronic cognitive perspectives and sustainable research strategies for the study of digital society: Historical contexts of the emergence of digital media culture(s)

AG Diachronic cognitive perspectives and sustainable research strategies for the study of digital society

The concern and topic of the Working Group is the development of diachronic knowledge perspectives and sustainable research strategies for the
investigation of digital society.

The Working Group aims to open up and broaden the focus of communication studies research on digital society diachronically for long-term developments and processes. The focus of interest is specifically the complex historical contexts of the emergence of digital media culture(s) in the process of social penetration with computer and digital media technologies since the 1980s until today.

From a communication studies perspective, we want to give computers and digital media a “history of their own” (Danyel 2012: 186) and see this contribution in particular in the question of the negotiations, appropriations and formations, the practices and processes of embedding computer and digital media technologies in everyday life, society and lifeworlds, as well as the resulting media-framed socio-cultural configuration and constitution of digital media culture(s).


Dr. Erik Koenen, ZeMKI, Universität Bremen, Twitter: @ErikKoenen74
Prof. Dr. Christian Schwarzenegger, ZeMKI, Universität Bremen, Twitter: @Schwarz3n3gg3r


Dr. Erik Koenen, Universität Bremen

Dr. Christian Schwarzenegger, Universität Bremen

Mia Berg, Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Dr. Julia Gül Erdogan, TU Darmstadt

Dr. Silke Fürst, Universität Zürich

Dr. Jakob Jünger, Universität Münster

Annika Keute, Universität Münster

Andrea Lorenz, Universität Hamburg

Irinia Zakharova, Universität Bremen

Dr. Hendrik Michael, Universität Bamberg

Aurelia Brandenburg

Dr. Niklas Venema, Universität Leipzig

Dr. Philipp Seuferling, Södertörn University