Dr. Galit Wellner

Tel Aviv University, Israel

Galit Wellner

Digital Attention

Attention in the digital age is often regarded as a scarce resource. The common response to hyper-capitalism calls for a specific mode of attention namely focusing. I offer a radically different solution that is based on a genealogy of the notion of attention. The genealogy demonstrates how attention has been co-shaped by and with media technologies, such as television and cellphones. Multi-attention means that our attention can be directed to more than a single object at a given point in time, in various degrees. My notion of multi-attention can answer the internet’s attention economy, i.e., some attentions can be paid to the advertisements while the rest can be invested in the desired contents. Multi-attention is a feminist practice and hence did not gain the compliments usually given to (male) pilots‘ or day-traders‘ multitasking.

Main Research Topics

  • Digital attention
  • Algorithmic imagination
  • Gender bias in AI
  • Postphenomenology

Curriculum Vitae

  • 2007–2014 PhD Bar Ilan University, STS program
  • Specializing in philosophy of technology, especially in Postphenomenology
  • Dissertation’s title: “Technics and Subjectivity: Case Studies of 21st century Technologies.”
  • Advisors: Prof. Don Ihde (State University New York), Dr. Lyat Friedman (Bar Ilan Uni.)


  • Multi-attention and Technologies of Attention (work in progress).
  • Translation to Hebrew of Don Ihde’s Postphenomenology and Technoscience: The Peking University Lectures (2009), Tel Aviv: Resling (2016)
  • A Postphenomenological Inquiry of Cell Phones: Genealogies, Meanings and Becoming, Lexington Books (2015)
  • „The Zoom-bie Student and the Lecturer,“ Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology –Special Section: Technology and Pandemic, 25(1) (forthcoming).  DOI: 10.5840/techne2021121132.

Dr. Galit Wellner

Tel Aviv University, Israel

Fellow am CAIS von August bis September 2021