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Lecture by Gerhard Vowe

Which cooperation problems characterise research networks and how are they solved?

In two lectures, Gerhard Vowe spoke about cooperation problems in research networks, such as the fairness or commitment problem, and showed which solution strategies have been developed by those responsible.

1. October 2021

Meißner, F., Weinmann, C. & Vowe, G. (2021, August). Which problems do research collaborations face and how can they be solved? An analysis from a self-governance perspective. Paper presented at the 15th Annual Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA), Barcelona.

Vowe, G. & Weinmann, C. (September, 2021). Kooperationsprobleme und Lösungsstrategien in Forschungsverbünden. Ergebnisse und Arbeitsstand der Düsseldorfer Fallstudien. Vortrag im Online-Workshop mit Vertreter:innen des BMBF.