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Latest publication with Johannes Breuer

Data, archives, and tools

In a latest publication with Johannes Breuer new publication formats on infrastructures and resources for communication and media research are being introduced.

30. August 2023

Data, archives, and tools: Introducing new publication formats on infrastructures and resources for communication and media research.

In recent years, a growing number of initiatives in communication and media research have advocated for a “cultural shift” in our discipline toward more open, reproducible, and replicable research practices and better access to infrastructures and shared research resources (cf. Bowman and Spence 2020; Dienlin et al. 2021; Haim and Puschmann 2023; Shaw et al. 2021; Strippel 2021). This special issue aims to contribute to these initiatives by introducing new article formats for publications dedicated to such resources and related infrastructures, including research software, reusable datasets, databases, and archives.


Strippel, C., Breuer, J., Fürst, S. et al. Editorial: Data, archives, and tools: Introducing new publication formats on infrastructures and resources for communication and media research. Publizistik (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11616-023-00806-7